Esthetician Schools in Pennsylvania
Alphabetized by City
We’ve rated 14 esthetician schools in Pennsylvania using our five-star rating system. Click on the school’s name for more details about that school’s esthetics/skin care program and why they received the rating that was assigned to them. You’ll also be able to see what kind of rating and reviews the esthetician students gave that school as well.
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Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation. Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!
The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:
- State Board Recognition
- NACCAS Accreditation
- Student Financial Aid
- Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify
To get started, simply fill out the quick 1-minute application below.

Cities A – J
4977 Medical Center Circle
Allentown, PA 18106
The Beauty Institute*
Schwarzkopf Professional
1921 Union Blvd
Allentown, PA 18109
Altoona Beauty School*
1554 Valley View Blvd
Altoona, PA 16602
The Beauty Institute*
Schwarzkopf Professional
50 E. Butler Avenue
Ambler, PA 19002
Venus Beauty Academy*
600 Turner Industrial Way
Aston, PA 19014
Butler Beauty Academy*
233 S. Main Street
Butler, PA 16001
PA Academy of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences*
19 N. Brady Street
DuBois, PA 15801
Buck’s County School of Beauty Culture*
1761 Bustleton Pike
Feasterville, PA 19053
Divine Crown Academy of Cosmetology*
Union Square Shopping Center
3819 Union Deposit Road
Harrisburg, PA 17109
PA Academy of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences*
2445 Bedford Street
Johnstown, PA 15904

Cities K – P
Kitanning Beauty Academy*
120 Market Street
Kittanning, PA 16201
Lancaster School of Cosmetology & Therapeutic Bodywork*
50 Ranck Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17602
Lansdale School of Cosmetology*
215 W. Main Street
Lansdale, PA 19446
Fountain of Youth Academy of Cosmetology*
108 Scharberry Lane
Mars, PA 16046
Laurel Technical Institute
847 N. Main Street
Suite 204
Meadville, PA 16335
Douglas Education Center
130 Seventh Street
Monessen, PA 15062
Heavenly Hair Boutique
School of Cosmetology
110 Bessemer Road
Suite C
Mount Pleasant, PA 15666
New Castle Beauty Academy*
314 E. Washington Street
New Castle, PA 16101
Professional Academy of Cosmetology*
516 E. Marshall Street
Norristown, PA 19401
Jean Madeline Aveda Institute*
Northeast Philadelphia Location
7248 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19135

Cities P – W
Jean Madeline Aveda Institute*
Queen Village Location
315-A Bainbridge Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Jean Madeline Aveda Institute*
University City Location
3945 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
The Beauty Institute
Schwarzkopf Professional
9902 Roosevelt Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19115
North Hills Beauty Academy
813 W. View Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15229
Pennsylvania Multicultural Beauty Academy
415 Smithfield Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
South Hills Beauty Academy*
3269 W. Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Laurel Technical Institute
200 Sterling Avenue
Sharon, PA 16146
Laurel Business Institute
11 E. Penn Street
Uniontown, PA 15401
Jolie Health & Beauty Academy*
125 N. Wilkes-Barre Blvd
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702
*This school’s esthetics program has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).