Esthetician Schools in Virginia
Alphabetized by City
We’ve rated 7 esthetician schools in Virginia using our five-star rating system. Click on the school’s name for more details about that school’s esthetics/skin care program and why they received the rating that was assigned to them. You’ll also be able to see what kind of rating and reviews the esthetician students gave that school as well.
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Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation. Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!
The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:
- State Board Recognition
- NACCAS Accreditation
- Student Financial Aid
- Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify
To get started, simply fill out the quick 1-minute application below.

Cities A – C
The Skin Care Center
8403 Richmond Hwy
Suite G
Alexandria, VA 22309
Spectrum Beauty Academy
25 S. Quaker Lane
Suite 15
Alexandria, VA 22314
Annie Beauty & Tech School
7361 McWhorter Place
Suite 310
Annandale, VA 22003
Cosmopolitan Beauty & Tech School*
Goodwill Store Bldg
4201 John Marr Drive
Suite 206
Annandale, VA 22003
Graham Webb Intl Academy of Hair*
1621 N. Kent Street
Suite 1617
Arlington, VA 22209
Bristol School of Hair Design
805 Commonwealth Avenue
Bristol, VA 24201
Academy of Esthetics
5900 Fort Drive
Suite 202
Centreville, VA 20121
Steiner Institute of Esthetics at VASOM
153 Zan Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
College of Beauty & Barber Culture
1975 S. Military Hwy
Chesapeake, VA, 22320

Cities F – R
Le Arai Beauty & Barber Academy
8630 Lee Hwy
Fairfax, VA 22031
Avi Career Training
10130 Colvin Run Road
Suites A & B
Great Falls, VA 22066
Unique U Academy
8961 Ox Road
Suite 120
Lorton, VA 22079
Miracle University
16990 A.L. Philpott Hwy
Martinsville, VA 24112
Spa Relief Vocational Training
1487 Chain Bridge Road
Suite 201
McLean, VA 22101
Dermal Science International*
11301 Sunset Hills Road
Suite A-5
Reston, VA 20190
American Spirit Institute
Richmond Campus
1624 E. Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23228
Derma Elite Esthetics Academy
9780 Midlothian Turnpike
Richmond, VA 23235
Institute of Advanced Medical Esthetics*
3108 Parham Road
Suite 604-D
Richmond, VA 23294

Cities R – W
LB Beauty Academy
3122 W. Marshall Street
Suite 11
Richmond, VA 23230
Les Cheveux School of Cosmetology
306 McClanahan Street SW
Roanoke, VA 24014
Ei Esthetics Institute
8381 Old Courthouse Road
Suite 320
Vienna, VA 22182
Paulette de Paris Intl Beauty Academy
2108 Gallows Road
Vienna, VA 22182
American Spirit Institute
Virginia Beach Campus
2624 Southern Blvd
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
Miracle Beauty & Nails Academy
3420 Holland Road
Suite 102
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
The Chrysm Institute of Esthetics*
281 Independence Blvd
Suite 101
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
American Spirit Institute
161 C. John Jefferson Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185
*This school’s esthetics program has been accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS).