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How to Become a Licensed Esthetician in Oregon

Oregon is home to over 363 miles of public beaches as well as 79 state parks. As an esthetician in the state of Oregon, you can enjoy all of the natural beauty that this state provides while helping people to look and feel their best.

There are several venues that require the work of a licensed esthetician Oregon such as:

  • Salons and spas
  • Cruise ships
  • Resorts and hotels
  • Medical spas
  • Chiropractic and dermatology offices
  • Film and fashion industries

If you are considering a career as a licensed esthetician in Oregon, you’ll need to obtain your esthetician license first. Keep reading to find out how.

Esthetician License Requirements and Training Schools in Oregon

Step 1: Complete a State Approved Esthetics Program

The Oregon Board of Cosmetology requires all esthetician license applicants to complete a minimum of 500 hours in an esthetics training program.

Your esthetics training must include:

  • 150 hours on safety and infection control
  • 100 hours on career development

The remaining 250 hours can be about a variety of esthetics topics such as:

  • Facials
  • Body wraps and aromatherapy
  • Hair removal including waxing and threading
  • Make-up applications and color theory
  • Contraindications for services
  • Skin care products and chemistry

The state of Oregon is unique in that it will allow you to graduate from a competency-based esthetician school in place of an hourly-based school. Although the competency-based school might not require the minimum number of esthetic training hours, it will still require that you pass an esthetics curriculum based on theoretical knowledge and competent practical skills.

Whichever type of school you choose to go to, both will require you to pass a state-sanctioned practical examination as part of the program. The practical exam will be administered by your educational institution. In order to apply for your esthetician license, you will need to keep certifiable proof that you passed the practical examination.

Let Esthetician Schooling Connect You With a High Quality Esthetician School in Your Area!

Are you ready to take the next step and begin your career as a well-paid esthetician? Esthetician Schooling has partnered with some of the best esthetician schools in the nation.  Our huge network of nationally recognized esthetician schools will make it easy for you to find the right school and get started training immediately!

The beauty schools in our network contain one or more of the following high quality standards:

  • State Board Recognition
  • NACCAS Accreditation
  • Student Financial Aid
  • Job Placement Assistance for Those Who Qualify

To get started, simply fill out the quick 1-minute application below.


Step 2: Submit an Application for an Esthetician Practitioner License

Unlike most other states, Oregon esthetics license candidates take the state-sanctioned practical exam through their educational institution. Once you have passed the practical exam, you can then apply to take the Oregon Laws and Rules and Written Esthetics Exams.

To receive your esthetics license, you will need to:

  • Complete, sign, and print out the Cosmetology Practitioner Application
  • Have your esthetician school submit your official transcripts directly to the Oregon Health Licensing Office (HLO)
  • Provide photocopies of two forms of identification (one must be a state-issued photo ID)
  • Provide proof of passing the practical exam
  • Pay the $20 application fee

Bring your completed and signed application, fee payment, and required documents to the Health Licensing Office where you will be taking the Written Esthetics Exam and the Oregon Laws and Rules Exam.

If you graduated from a competency-based program, then you may be required to submit additional information to the Oregon State Board of Cosmetology.

Oregon offers no appointment for the exams. Both exams are walk-in written exams. Remember, you will need to ensure that your educational institution has submitted your transcripts to the Health Licensing Office (HLO) before you arrive to take your exams. The transcripts must come directly from your school and not from you.


Preparing for the Written and Practical Exams

The Oregon Board of Cosmetology recommends the following reference materials to help you prepare for and pass the written (theory) exam, which can be purchased at discounted prices on Amazon:

We also recommend that you purchase and study the following books in preparation for your exam:


What to Bring to the Exam Site

When you come to take the exam, be sure to bring two forms of acceptable identification (see the Examination How-To Guide). You will also need to pay your exam fees ($35 per exam) at this time.

You will have 90 minutes to complete the Written Esthetics Exam and 90 minutes to complete the Oregon Laws and Rules Exam. The Cosmetology Practitioner Application Information Packet explains in more detail what to expect when you sit for these exams.


The Esthetics Written Exam

The written (theory) exam is 100 questions and is entirely multiple-choice. The exam is taken on a computer touch-screen console. You may skip the questions once and answer any skipped questions at the end of the exam. You must score at least a 75 percent to pass the exam.

The Esthetics Written Examination Blueprint is as follows:

  1. Anatomy and Physiology
    Histology of the Skin (15 questions)
    Histology of the Hair (2 questions)
    General Anatomy (4 questions)
  2. Microbiology
    Bacteriology (4 questions)
  3. Esthetic Services
    Treatment of the Skin (12 questions)
    Skin Care Procedures (19 questions)
    Hair Removal Procedures (5 questions)
    Make-Up Procedures (5 questions)
  4. Implements, Tools, and Equipment
    Items (9 questions)
  5. Product Knowledge and Chemistry
    Products (11 questions)
    Chemistry (6 questions)
  6. Safety and Infection Control
    Safe Usage and Devices (4 questions)
    Federal Regulations and Standards (4 questions)


The Oregan Laws and Rules Exam

This exam will have 90 multiple-choice questions administered on a computer touch-screen console. You may skip the questions once and answer any skipped questions at the end of the exam. A passing score is a 75 percent or better. You may use the Board of Cosmetology Rules and Laws booklet to study.

The Oregon Cosmetology Laws and Rules Written Examination Blueprint is as follows:

  1. Definitions (21 questions)
  2. Facility Standards (35 questions)
  3. Practice Standards (6 questions)
  4. Facility Operations (6 questions)
  5. Examinations (5 questions)
  6. Licensing/Certification (9 questions)
  7. Chemicals (8 questions)

You will be given your exam results immediately after completing each exam. After you pass both exams, you can pay your $25 fee at the testing site in order to take the final step towards licensing. If you are going to take your written exams in Salem and pass them, you may qualify for same-day licensing.

Please note that if you fail the written exam you must wait 7 days before retaking the exam. After the third and sixth failed attempts, you must wait 30 days before you can retake the exam. Before you can take the exam a fourth time, you must complete an additional 100 hours of esthetics training.


Step 4: Renew Your OR Esthetician License Every Two Years

In the state of Oregon, licensed estheticians are required to renew their license every two years. This must be done prior to the end of the month that you were initially licensed in.

The renewal fee of $50 must be paid upon renewal. You will receive a renewal application as a reminder notice from the Board approximately six weeks before your license expires. Renewals can be completed online or you can complete the paper application and mail it to the Board.


Esthetician License Reciprocity in Oregon

Oregon license reciprocity is available to some estheticians who meet certain requirements. In order to qualify for an Oregon license via reciprocity, you must complete and sign the Cosmetology Practitioner Application and pay the $100 license application fee.

The State Board where your current license is held must send a certified copy of your license to the Oregon Board of Cosmetology or they must send an affidavit of licensure. You are also required to take the Oregon Laws and Rules Exam as well as the Written Esthetics Exam.


Oregon State Board of Cosmetology Contact Information

Oregon Health Licensing Office
Board of Cosmetology
700 Summer Street NE
Suite 320
Salem, OR 97301-1287
Phone:(503) 378-8667
Fax: (503) 370-9004


Oregon Written and State Law Exam Locations

Below is a map showing the location of the Written Esthetics Exam and Oregon Laws and Rules Exam administered by the Oregon Health Licensing Office (HLO). Before you arrive at the Health Licensing Office, please be sure to call the Oregon Licensing Qualifications Specialist at 503-373-1989 to confirm the HLO’s current address and inquire about their testing hours.


Map of Written and State Law Exam Locations in Oregon

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